Long Days, Short Years
Image by Andreas Wohlfahrt from Pixabay Today my son turns 19. When I wrote a bout time management in Where D id M y D ay G o , li t tle did I know I’ d b e sitting down to write this post on his big day. I mean, 19, what the heck? Where D id M y D ay G o has turned into w here did the last 19 years of our lives go? Give me a sec while I soak up the tears that threaten to flow... If I ruminate long enough, I’ll remember “the days are long but the years are short.” - Gretchen Rubin I’ll lovingly recall some of the work I’ve put into the last 19 years of being a mom. I wish my memory served me better. But then again, maybe it’s a blessing that I can’t recall every single meltdown, or every dirty diaper. Maybe it’s a blessing that I recall those years with a certain fondness. Perhaps it’s in our design, so we don’t recount every...single...thing to our children and scare the idea of our future grandchildren right out of...