Taking Chances

Shortly after the pandemic began, and we were sheltering in place, I found it necessary to keep up with what day it was on the whiteboard. 

As the days trundled by, I began writing inspirational messages for my family (which I used to do on the bathroom mirror, but that got kind of messy after showers😂🙄🤦🏼‍♀️). The messages are for me as well. 

We all need hope and encouragement.

I'm sharing today's message of hope from hindsight and in foresight. From hindsight, in that my experience has proven this to be wise and trusted advice over and over again. 

Yes, even the multitude of times I've fallen and failed. Those are the stepping stones that led to greater things.

To move forward, to grow, sometimes we have to take chances in life. Saying "yes" to a job you want, but are uncertain of your abilities. Saying "yes" to a serious relationship, when your heart is laid bare. 

Or maybe it's saying "no" to something toxic in your life, and setting healthy boundaries so you can move forward, unhindered by the chains that fetter.

In foresight, our next generation needs this hope as well. We are all living in a surreal experience. Teens are undergoing the daunting process of transitioning into adulthood during a time when there are so many restrictions. This time of transition is difficult enough outside of a pandemic, let alone what they are facing now.

If you're a teen reading this, know that we hear you, that you are worthy and loved, and that you still have a bright and beautiful future ahead of you. 

Just keep taking life one step at a time.

This will pass.

And then we will all dust off, rise like phoenixes and soar like eagles.


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This is a safe place for women who need encouragement and inspiration, where we can share our struggles and triumphs. Let us lift each other up, as well as honor and respect the individual journeys we are all traveling. Blog posts are from the journey I travel, which I hope will encourage and inspire you as you live your own adventure.

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